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If you are considering working with me, you can view my skills, employment history, and education below. You can also see some of my work on my projects page and on GitHub. You can also download my résumé as a PDF.

David Baumgold

Full-stack web developer, open source contributor, technical trainer, public speaker. Located in Amsterdam.

Web: GitHub:
Email: Mastodon:


Languages Python, TypeScript, GraphQL, SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), RegEx
Frameworks Django, Flask, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, React, Redux, Bootstrap, Svelte
Tools Git, Mypy, Sphinx, Babel, Webpack, Parcel, Vite, HTTP APIs
DevOps AWS, Docker, GitHub Actions, Homebrew, SSH, Nginx, Linux Server Administration
Testing TDD, Pytest, Mock, Jest, Playwright
Open Source Communication, Community-Building, Outreach, Advocacy


  1. Senior Full-stack Developer at Cassini Technologies
    March 2023 to Dec 2023

    Python, FastAPI, React, Pytest, Playwright. Helped build and debug a web application for planning eye surgeries with the Cassini surgical guidance system. Rearchitected the frontend system to use React Router, organized the automated test suite to use Pytest and Factory-Boy. Built out end-to-end automated browser tests using Playwright.

  2. Senior Python Developer at Skymantle
    August 2022 to Dec 2022

    Python, AWS. Architected and built a system for extracting structured data out of financial documents, unlocking millions of dollars of value for the client. Provided guidance and advice on working effectively within the Python ecosystem.

  3. Senior Python Developer at
    March 2022 to August 2022

    Python, FastAPI, Pytest. Focused on building and maintaining automated tests to support the team in a rapid ground-up rewrite of the main product. Provided instruction on best-practices for enabling faster, safer software development across the development team.

  4. Staff Python Developer at Ribbon Home
    March 2021 to February 2022

    Python, Django, React, GraphQL. Focused on identifying and paying down technical debt across the codebase, working with several teams across the company. Planned and implemented the adoption of the Chakra UI component library across the frontend codebase, increasing development speed and visual consistency. Executed multiple important upgrades across the backend to improve reliability and avoid dependencies on unsupported open source projects.

  5. Senior Python Developer at Nylas
    June 2018 to March 2021

    Python, Flask. Tech lead for a small development team focused on improving calendar-based features. Shipped products that generated millions of dollars in ARR. Lead several large-scale technical migrations, including switching from Python 2 to Python 3 and switching from a self-hosted Jenkins CI installation to cloud-hosted GitHub Actions.

  6. Senior Front-end Developer at Impraise
    Sep 2017 to May 2018

    React, GraphQL, Ruby on Rails. Lead a small team to develop a dynamic React-based front-end for the Impraise web application. Assisted in migrating from a legacy REST-based backend to one based on GraphQL.

  7. Consultant at Serendipity Consulting
    Jan 2016 to Sep 2017

    Worked as a freelance consultant, helping companies develop robust and maintainable websites using Python and JavaScript. Clients included:

    • Nylas: I helped update and modernize the Python SDK for Nylas, revamping the test suite and adding Python 3 support.
    • ClassForward: I helped build out their Django-based website, working on a small team. I also provided mentorship and guidance for their junior developers, and helped establish best practices for high quality development.
    • MIT's Office of Digital Learning: I assisted with their Micromasters project, using Django, DRF, React, ES6, and Webpack.
    • Zeolearn: I taught classes to Zeolearn's clients, with topics including Django and Git/GitHub.
    • edX: I took over an unmaintained Python project that edX depended on, and upgraded it to be more modern, reliable, and documented.
  8. Software Engineer, Developer Advocate at edX
    May 2013 to Jan 2016

    Open source Python/Django web application with Backbone.js frontend. Lead development of major components of the application, as well as spearheading major code-cleanup and refactoring efforts in an agile, Scrum-based workflow.

    Organized and assisted the open source community in their efforts to use the software; organized major software releases, advocated for documentation and features specific to the community’s use. Spoke about Open edX at conferences, and helped organize the Open edX Conference.

  9. Software Engineer at CloudLock
    Sep 2011 to Apr 2013

    Python web application running on Google App Engine. Assisted with a major architectural restructuring to work with App Engine’s eventually-consistent datastore. Increased developer productivity through communication, education, tooling, and automated testing.

  10. Software Engineer at TripAdvisor
    Aug 2010 to Aug 2011

    PHP web application with a dynamic Javascript front-end, integrated into a Java codebase. Worked as a full-stack developer in a small, agile team, fixing bugs and adding features in many different levels of the codebase.

  11. Junior Systems Administrator (Guru) at Computer Science Department, Brandeis University
    Dec 2007 to May 2010

    Worked in a small team to manage, maintain, and upgrade a network of over 100 Mac and Linux computers. Provided routine support and assistance to university students and professors.


  1. Masters degree in Computer Science

    Brandeis University, Spring 2010 to Summer 2010

  2. Bachelors degree in Computer Science

    Brandeis University, Fall 2006 to Fall 2009

  3. Bachelors degree in Psychology

    Brandeis University, Fall 2006 to Fall 2009